Hello, I’m Xanthe, founder of Xanthe Anna, a small independent company making sheepskin boots and shearling slippers in Wales. I use natural and low impact materials in my designs.

As a fan of slow-fashion I believe in buying clothes that are loved and mended over and again.  To help my customers get the longest use out of their boots, I offer a sheepskin boot care guide and repair service. I’m dedicated to making the best environmental choices available in order to create eco-friendly slippers and boots.



Sewing since my childhood, I began making sheepskin boots in 2008.  I enjoy my work and love playing with colours.  Paying attention to the details I create beautiful, comfortable footwear you will love and cherish.

I keep a small flock of sheep on a smallholding in Wales.  Through my experience on the farm I have developed an understanding and respect for sheepskin. This has informed my designs and skills at the sewing machine.  I work from a small workshop near Llanboidy, Carmarthenshire. 


Our collection.

Sheepskin Boots, Made in Wales, Sustainable Values

Grey sheepskin boot, British made.

Sheepskin boot grey and teal

Man wears brown sheepskin boots outside

Sheepskin boot brown and plum red

Navy blue sheepskin boot, made in the UK.

Sheepskin boot blue